Tobogganing with Kids? Try These Little Kid-Friendly Toboggan Hills in Edmonton

Tobogganing with little kids sounds like a fantastic way to get out of the house, but a lot of the time we underestimate the sheer amount of effort that it takes to get back up that hill, for their little feet. Finding kid-friendly toboggan hills in Edmonton and area is easy when you know where to go.

Here are our favourite Little-kid-friendly toboggan hills in Edmonton

Broadmoor Lake 

A smaller hill, with a nearby playground and washrooms a short walk away from the parking lot, Broadmoor Lake is a great place to toboggan with smaller kids because they're easily able to get up the hill independently. Plus, you've got the playground right there that makes for some fantastic winter playability.Find it at: Festival Way, Sherwood Park 

Whitemud Park

One of the things that we consider when it comes to tobogganing with little children, in addition to the size of the hill and the ease of climbing up, is the proximity of washrooms - because let's face it, when you're tobogganing with little children, you want to be close to washrooms. Look for the hill near Alfred H Savage Centre. Through the park, you'll even find toboggan hills that are accessible with stairs at the side of the hill, helping to avoid little kids slipping back down when they're trying to go up!Find it at: 13909 Fox Dr NW

Rundle Park

At Rundle Park, you’re going to find many options to choose from when you’re tobogganing with the family in Edmonton, from the ACT Hill + Walton’s Mountain that is regularly used by local tobogganers, to finding your own smaller hills through the park, perfect for little kids.Find it at: 2909 113 Ave

McGahn Park 

Our go-to toboggan hill, we love this one because there are two options - making it perfect for families with mixed ages of kids. Nearer to the playground, you'll find a small hill that's perfect for toddlers, and closer to the other side of the park you'll find a more challenging hill for older children, making it easy to divide and conquer as parents, or pop around and pick up the older kids when you've finished.Find it at: 751 Meadowview Drive, Sherwood Park


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