Ranking the Best James Bond Movies for Family Movie Night

No Time to Die, released in 2021, was the last James Bond movie starring Daniel Craig. While the rumour mills go into overdrive about who will replace him, fans will need to wait a few more years for the 26th film in the series to be released. 

In the meantime, why not introduce your kids to the franchise? Sure, the more recent movies aren’t for children; there’s way too much sex and violence. However, some early 1960s to 1980s films are more family-friendly. 

Even though most have a viewer rating of PG 13+, the earlier movies contained more subtle adult references, which will most likely go over your children’s heads. Be prepared to stifle a chuckle here and there if you don’t want to explain to them what you’re laughing at.

We’ve picked these movies based on what kids will appreciate: over-the-top action, impossible scenarios, and larger-than-life villains. Limited sex and swearing also make them fit our family-friendly list. 

Here’s a look at the four best James Bond movies for family movie night.

1. Goldfinger

Released in 1964, Goldfinger is the perennial favourite James Bond movie for many and a great way to introduce the series to kids. While the first two movies were more serious, Sean Connery settled into the role by this third one, and he’s at his finest.

Kids will love Auric Goldfinger’s right-hand man, Oddjob; his razor-sharp bowler hat that can cut the head off a statue will surely delight them. Moreover, Bond’s Aston Martin gadgets include an ejector seat and revolving number plates—what kid wouldn’t love that?

Parent advisory: Like most of the James Bond movies of the era, there is a lot of drinking and smoking and adult sexual innuendos. Goldfinger also has the immortal Bond girl Pussy Galore, played by Honor Blackman. Try as hard as you can not to snicker whenever he says her name.

2. The Spy Who Loved Me

Roger Moore’s portrayal of James Bond is slightly campier than Sean Connery’s, so he appeals to children just that little bit more. The Spy Who Loved Me is a more comical movie than most of the previous ones. It’s the 10th in the series and an excellent one for kids for a few reasons.

For starters, the opening sequence is one of the best of all 25 films. If your kids love skiing and snowboarding, the downhill ski chase ending in James Bond leaping off the end of the mountain with a giant Union Jack parachute opening above him will have them jumping up and down in their seats. 

Bond villain Jaws makes his first entrance in The Spy Who Loved Me. Kids will love his metal teeth that can chew through anything; he even bites a killer shark. 

Parental advisory: There’s no swearing in this movie. However, the violence and sexual references are more frequent than in Goldfinger. Machine guns, grenades and bombs are used throughout.

3. Moonraker

At the end of The Spy Who Loved Me, the credits state, ‘James Bond will return in For Your Eyes Only.’ However, due to the success of Star Wars and the space race craze, the producers pushed a new one into production, and Moonraker was born.

This movie is over-the-top campy, escapist fun, set in outer space. Although widely panned and commonly featured at the bottom of ranking lists, kids (of all ages) will love it.

Bond villain Jaws returns in Moonraker as fans loved him in the previous movie; this time, he bites through an impossibly thick steel cable like it’s cooked spaghetti.

Parental advisory: Another James Bond movie with no swearing; most of the violence is hand-to-hand combat and one knife attack with no visible blood. The only scene that may upset younger children is when two dogs maul Corinne, and the scene ends when the dogs jump on her; the result is inferred.

4. Octopussy

Despite the innuendo in the name, Octopussy is another James Bond movie that will appeal to kids, as it features circus clowns, a villain dying when an octopus latches onto his face, and a tuk-tuk chase through India. In one scene, Roger Moore dresses in a gorilla suit. It’s fun, campy, slapstick fun all the way.

The fight settings are exciting; from the roof of a speeding train to the wings of a plane in flight, children will love the impossibility of the action. Highly panned by adults as being too immature, it’s a perfect one to start kids on.

Players who are looking for the best slot sites love the gambling scenes in most James Bond movies. In Octopussy, they might be disappointed that backgammon is the only casino game played.

Parental advisory: There’s no swearing, but there are many all-out fight scenes featuring various weapons. James Bond pulls a leech from his stomach, and there’s a glimpse of blood. 

A Bond for the Whole Family

Introducing your children to James Bond allows them to experience one of the longest-running film franchises ever

Our guide has suggested the four best ones to start with. As censorship laws have changed over the years, it makes sense that the earlier movies are more family-friendly than the later ones. They contain far less swearing, nudity, blood, and gore.

Our tip for all parents is that as you know your children the best, it pays to be prepared beforehand, so watching them first can help you decide if they’re suitable. 

Be warned, though. If they love these four, they may want to watch some of the more adult offerings that have come along in recent years. 


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